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One Size Never Fits – All Digital Marketing Recipes Must Vary per Market

Updated: Jan 9

Markets are not created equally. Common denominators do exist and human nature is essentially the same, but shopping patterns and digital activities vary. The recipe to maximize the performance of a digital approach must be determined for every market place individually. A one size fits all, cookie-cutter approach might work to a degree, but it cannot maximize the results of a dealer’s digital approach and dominate a market.

In today’s digital environment, we are blessed to have several platforms to employ when placing ads. To create a well rounded digital portfolio, it takes a versatile platform lineup to serve all the needs of a dealer’s market place. The right recipe of platform choices plus the correct ad themes will allow a dealer to get their desired results from the internet traffic that exists in their area.

The main pay-per-click platform is, and has been for some time, Google. In many markets, it is still the predominant choice for ad placement, but that is not the case in more than half the markets today. Though Yahoo has great metrics (targeting capabilities) and is a small but significant player in ppc (pay-per-click), Google is still the overwhelming best performer used by all. In recent months, Face book has outperformed Google ads in many cities, especially at the top of the market where the large units are harvested. Since Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest have entered the fray, social media has become more and more fertile ground.

Initially, the recipe we employ includes all of these elements in proportions that have performed well in the past. That is the baseline. Yet as time goes on, we adjust the ingredients based upon analytics. This is not ideology, but fact. Based upon analytical history, the percentages of all of the digital campaign ingredients must be measured by their performance level, one against the other, and adjusted accordingly. This manages the campaign and ensures its continued best performance. We listen to the responses and like a skillful investor, adjust the investment portfolio. Prospects Int’l adjusts its clients roster, the line up of ads, and percentages of investment per platform to maximize the overall performance.** One size does not fit all, but one company can find that sweet spot where you get the most lead generations possible for your digital marketing dollars. The purpose of our EventFlow and LeadFlow programs respectively is to help you dominate the digital piano interest in your market. We accomplish this by staying in constant touch with our clients, caring about their specific needs, and providing the very best sales support articles on our web site. The final component we are happy to provide as an agency is the personal attention and sales support to assist our clients in attaining the very best possible conversion and sell through rates.

In summary: there cannot be a cookie cutter approach if we are to serve our clients’ specific needs at the highest level. One size never fits all and every market has its own nuances and deserves its own adjustments to maximize the performance of a digital campaign. We apply this principle daily to our campaigns.

**We are proud to report a 90% plus client retention rate for our LeadFlow program at the time of this writing. The only client that has not continued LeadFlow since we began serving dealers in the summer of 2015 cited reasons other than the performance of our program for suspending their program.



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