Have you ever listened to a sales person who just talked and talked and seemed more impressed with their own knowledge of what they were selling than what you thought or needed?
It’s best to make a new relationship “about the other person” to deepen it. Have you ever found yourself giving a seminar or a concert to a visitor at the piano store?
Have you ever noticed that people like to talk about themselves?
Have you ever thought about how efficient questions can be in the sales process? Do you actually have a process or method?
If you were using the “5 Steps to Selling Success” (method available to view here: https://prospectsint.com/sales-success) do you remember to act proud of where you work and establish credibility first thing?
“People don’t care what you know until they know that you care.” *
Do you remember to make a friend before going into a discovery or fact finding?
During your fact finding, do you keep things focused on what they are telling you or do you focus on what you want them to buy?
Do you ever get out of sequence and abandon the 5 steps, and rush into trying to get a deal?
It is very effective to get agreements diplomatically along the path of a sales encounter on important topics. Do you ever use “tie down questions” softly to close the door on a topic before you move to the next one?
Do you apply the “5 Steps” to your cultivation of digital leads?
It’s important to create engagement before you begin discovery. Do you stay disciplined, or try to sell too much too soon on your initial communications?
Have you ever turned a simple text into a diatribe, when you should just be trying to earn the permission to give some pertinent information and get dialogue started?
Have you ever used just a few words, such as “I understand” or “and then?”, just to encourage the prospect to continue speaking?
When a customer tries to make decisions in an ill-advised fashion (such as choosing from a picture and a price without knowing enough about an instrument) do you ever ask, ”May I have permission to share with you how I believe is the best way to choose a piano?”
Would you please not hesitate to reach out to us if you would like to talk about how to get the most out of your digital marketing?
Do you have any idea how much we enjoy serving people who place more music on people’s lives?
Have you ever read an article that asks one question after another without making a statement, just so you can consider important items that come up during the sales process?
You have now, and if you enjoyed it and got some food for thought from it, would you mind making a comment about the content?
“It is more important to ask the right question than to get the right answer”. – Peter Drucker
*Teddy Roosevelt